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Verkhovna Rada extends deadline for registration of unallocated land plots

MPs have finally adopted draft law No. 1150, which provides for the extension of the term for registering ownership of land plots. This was announced by Oleksandr Haidu, MP from the Servant of the People faction, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy.

"The draft law provides for the extension of the deadline for registration of unclaimed shares until January 1, 2028, and the distribution of land remaining in collective ownership after the distribution of land plots between the owners of the shares and their heirs," the chairman of the relevant committee explained.

He added that the draft law also extends until 2026 the pilot project on entering information into the State Land Cadastre by certified land surveyors and restores the obligation to improve their skills.

"The war, the occupation of large areas, and people moving abroad make it difficult for land share owners to meet the deadlines for registering their shares. Therefore, the extension of the period for their registration is a logical step," Gaidu summarized.

Servant of the People Party

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