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Ukraine bans gambling and betting advertising

The Cabinet of Ministers has amended the resolution "Some issues of counteracting the negative consequences of gambling on the Internet", which provides for a ban on gambling and betting advertising in Ukraine. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the relevant government resolution.

"To amend clause 1 of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 566 of May 17, 2024 "Some issues of counteracting the negative consequences of gambling on the Internet" by adding to subparagraph 1 after the words "procedure for limitation" the words "all forms" and after the words "by limitation" the words "namely, prohibition," the resolution says.

Earlier, by its resolution of May 17, the Cabinet of Ministers established a procedure for restricting gambling advertising, as well as other designations under which gambling is conducted, in particular with the use of electronic communications, symbols of the Armed Forces and the distribution of relevant contextual material.

It is noted that the ban will remain in effect until the law on combating gambling addiction, which is currently under consideration by the Verkhovna Rada, enters into force.

Restrictions on online gambling

As a reminder, in April, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy enacted a decision of the National Security and Defense Council to counteract the negative effects of online gambling. The document prohibits registering multiple accounts for one player and sets a limit on the time spent playing games per week.

After that, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading a draft law on combating gambling addiction (ludomania), which provides for the liquidation of the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL) and restrictions on the operation of online casinos.

In May, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution to counteract the negative effects of online gambling. It will remain in effect until the new law comes into force.

Author: Tatiana Stepanova

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