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A pilot project for the implementation of e-Bill of Lading has been approved

Implementation of an electronic consignment note in domestic transportation: the start of the pilot project has been approved.

Over the next two years, the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure will implement a pilot project to introduce an electronic consignment note (eCN) in domestic cargo transportation. The relevant resolution was approved at a government meeting on May 30.

"Since 2019, the Ministry's team, together with international partners and donors, has been working on the digitalization of consignment notes. This tool has a number of advantages for business and the state. First of all, it minimizes time and resources, limits the influence of the human factor and minimizes corruption risks. eB/L will allow for the rapid exchange of information between all parties to transportation. Also, the digital consignment note minimizes the risk of loss of documents or their damage ,"said Anatoliy Komirnyi, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization .

The adoption of the resolution provides for the integration of the e-TTN system with other state information resources and testing of their electronic information interaction. These include the weigh-in-motion (WIM) system, the unified register of consignment notes for the movement of alcoholic beverages, the unified state system of electronic timber accounting, information systems of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety, and others.

The project also plans to work on the use of eB/L for the transportation of dairy raw materials, bread and bakery products, wood, ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, sanitary facilities, and more. These are the categories of goods for which the forms of consignment notes are established and regulated by other authorities. For example, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In particular, and because of this, the project participants include other public authorities in addition to the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure. Namely:

  • State Service for Transport Safety;

  • Ministry of Energy;

  • Ministry of Agrarian Policy;

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;

  • National Police;

  • State Tax Service;

  • The Agency for the Restoration and Development of Infrastructure;

  • State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection;

  • State Enterprise "Sectoral Center for Digitalization and Cybersecurity".

The next step in the project's implementation is for the Ministry to adopt the e-TTN System's operating procedure. It should regulate the principles of operation of the eB/L system and a number of other issues. In particular, the requirements for user registration, rules for entering and exchanging information in the System.

Joining the e-B/L System is voluntary. To do so, a freight transportation participant should contact the operators of electronic document management platforms.

We remind you that the e-B/L system is based on international data exchange standards. This will make integration with the European e-CMR system easier. The introduction of e-CMR will significantly simplify document flow and business processes in the future.

The e-TTN system is being implemented by the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine through the Digital Transformation Support Project with the support of USAID and UK Dev. The project partner is the Institute for Analysis and Advocacy.

Ministry of Infrastructure

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