Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Quotas of goods subject to licensing for export to the EU have been determined

At the Government meeting on May 30, 2024, it was decided to amend the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1402 dated 27.12.2023 "On Approval of the Lists of Goods Subject to Licensing and Quotas for 2024".

In particular, in order to comply with the conditions for the export of certain goods to the customs territory of the EU member states under temporary trade liberalization measures, the Resolution was supplemented by a new Annex "Quota volumes of goods whose export to the EU member states is subject to licensing". It includes certain agricultural products (sugar with a quota of 0 tons, poultry meat and edible offal, and turkey meat and edible offal).

In addition, Annex 1 "Quota volumes of goods whose export is subject to licensing" was amended. The 0-ton quota for the export of hard coal, anthracite, briquettes, pellets and similar solid fuels derived from hard coal was replaced with a quota of 1,153 thousand tons to ensure the operation of state-owned coal mining enterprises and the sale of thermal coal for export.

Taras Melnychuk, representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada

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