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Ukraine starts insuring military and political risks of business

The European Business Association welcomes the launch of direct investment and investment loan insurance products recently launched by the Export Credit Agency of Ukraine.

Thus, the EBA Reconstruction Committee has repeatedly emphasized the need to address the issue of investment insurance against military risks and at one time actively supported the adoption of the Law on Investment Insurance in Ukraine against Military Risks No. 3497-IX of November 22, 2023, which provided a legislative opportunity for the Export Credit Agency of Ukraine (ECA) to insure investments against military and political risks.

Later, the EBA Committee experts met with the ECA management and were involved in the development of ECA insurance products for business, in particular, in terms of working on an application for insurance, an insurance passport and an agreement for insuring investments against military and political risks.

Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that the ECA has announced the launch of war and political risk insurance.

Currently, two important and necessary insurance products are available for business, in particular

1) direct investment insurance:

  • the maximum amount is UAH 200 million;
  • insurance rate - determined individually for each contract;
  • minimum/maximum insurance rate - 0.49%/8.05%;

2) insurance of investment loans:

  • maximum amount - UAH 200 million;
  • insurance rate - is determined individually for each agreement;
  • minimum/maximum insurance rate - 0.95%/4.05%.

The European Business Association is grateful to the Export Credit Agency of Ukraine for launching the necessary products and openness to cooperation with business and readiness to hear their proposals.

If you need additional information, please contact [email protected], Head of the EBA Committees Department.

European Business Association

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