Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Cabinet of Ministers is considering the abolition of duties and VAT on power equipment - Shmyhal

The Cabinet of Ministers will promote the creation of alternative generation in Ukraine. The necessary steps were discussed at a meeting on Monday, June 3. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Telegram of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

At the meeting, Shmyhal heard reports from Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko and Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko.

"We considered the possibility of abolishing import duties and VAT on all energy equipment and its components, as well as simplifying customs procedures for its import. This will enable citizens and businesses to provide themselves with alternative energy sources," the Prime Minister said.

According to him, the government is working to decentralize the energy system.

"We are talking to our partners about the supply of diesel generators, cogeneration units, mobile boilers - primarily for the frontline regions," Shmyhal added.

He also instructed to work on the issue of providing soft loans for generating equipment.

The Ministry of Energy has been instructed to work with partners to work out the issue of installing gas piston units in each regional center.

"Russia is doing everything to destroy our energy system. We are making every effort to prepare for the difficult heating season," the Prime Minister emphasized.

Author: Tatiana Stepanova

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