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The Ministry of Economy plans to retrain women for "male" professions

The Ministry of Economy has stated the need to pay more attention to retraining programs for Ukrainians who remain in the rear to occupations that are in high demand, Ekonomichna Pravda reports. First of all, it is about women who mastered once purely "male" professions.

This was stated by First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko during a meeting with EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso.

"Today, the Ukrainian economy faces two critical challenges: energy problems and labor shortages. Due to the Russian shelling, Ukraine has lost part of its generating capacity and now there are blackouts across the country, which affect both businesses and ordinary citizens.

Both of these categories need financing to increase their energy efficiency and meet their energy needs. The government is currently developing a corresponding soft loan program. We hope that the EBRD will support our initiatives and, for its part, will help finance Ukraine's energy recovery projects," Svyrydenko said.

According to her, another important challenge for the economy was the mobilization of specialists to the Armed Forces.

"We now need to pay more attention to retraining programs for Ukrainians who remain in the rear to the professions that are in maximum demand. First and foremost, we are talking about women who are already mastering the once purely "male" professions.

For example, bodyguards, truck, bus or even tractor drivers - these are the realities of the labor market today. The retraining of specialists, along with the employment of veterans, are the main challenges for the government in the labor market. The EBRD will consider financially supporting the implementation of relevant retraining programs, both by the government and by Ukrainian businesses," she added.

Oleksiy Pavlysh

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