Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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NSSMC presents a platform for Ukrainian investors

The National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) presents the updated Voprosok project, which aims to support the economy, Ukrainian investors, and citizens both during the war and during the country's subsequent recovery.

"We have significantly expanded the Contribution project, in which we want to show how important financial education and timely reporting of fraudulent schemes are for the well-being of our citizens. We would also like to draw attention to the modern work products from the NDU for shareholders and protection of the rights of Ukrainian entrepreneurs. The Commission is constantly working to simplify and unify various processes in its activities. Therefore, we have created a universal platform that incorporates the key points that are worthy of attention today. In the future, we will develop it and supplement it with new and useful features," said Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the NSSMC.

The Contribution is a long-term project of the regulator, which will be updated and supplemented with new milestones based on the needs of today. Currently, it is a landing page that contains useful and relevant information for Ukrainian investors, citizens interested in the investment sector, and market participants.

What areas does the project cover?

"Government bonds" help the state to face all the challenges it faces today. It is an effective tool that every Ukrainian can use.

"Osvita" gives you the opportunity to learn about capital markets, its components and the activities of market participants in simple language. We explain the world of investments in an accessible and simple way.

"Investor Protection informs about dubious investment projects, helps protect against fraud, and generally helps to understand how to start investing.

Veleten and Accounting of Company Shares are new technological products in the capital markets developed by the National Depository of Ukraine. They are designed to protect the property rights of Ukrainian entrepreneurs and the rights of minority shareholders.


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