Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Ministry of Economy changes the procedures for issuing licenses for the import of goods

In order to liberalize and unify the procedure for issuing licenses for the import of goods, the Ministry of Economy has developed a draft order of the Ministry of Economy "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine No. 302 dated September 14, 2007".

The Draft Order proposes to bring the procedure for licensing the import of goods in line with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1402 dated 27.12.2023 "On Approval of the Lists of Goods Subject to Licensing and Quotas for 2024", the Law of Ukraine "On Regulation of Economic Activity with Ozone Depleting Substances and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases", and other legislative innovations, in particular in the field of digitalization.

The document provides for:

► applicants may submit documents and obtain the License in electronic form through the information system of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine or the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services;

► shortening the list of documents to be submitted by the applicant for obtaining the License, clarifying the procedure for their submission, and clarifying the procedure for obtaining the License;

► determining the procedure for obtaining approval for import of goods from central executive authorities through the system of electronic interaction of executive authorities in cases determined by the Government of Ukraine;

► submission by the applicants of a payment order or payment information in electronic form;

► issuance of the License in the presence of information on the fact of payment in the relevant software products;

► bringing the terminology of Order No. 302 in line with the current legislation.

Please send your suggestions and comments within one month from the date of publication to the following addresses:

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine: 12/2, Hrushevskoho St., Kyiv, 01008, or to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

State Regulatory Service of Ukraine: 9/11 Arsenalna St., Kyiv, 01011 or by e-mail: [email protected].

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Ministry of Economy

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