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The Verkhovna Rada recommends adopting the European integration bill on grapes and viticulture products

On June 13, 2024, the Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy considered the draft Law of Ukraine "On Grapes and Viticulture Products" (Reg. No. 9139), prepared for the second reading, at its meeting via videoconference and recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt it as a whole as a law.

The draft law proposes to implement the provisions of a number of EU acts, in particular: the provisions of Regulations No. 1308/2013, No. 2021/2117, No. 251/2014, No. 2019/33, No. 2019/33, No. 2019/34, No. 2018/273, No. 2019/934, No. 2024/1143.

The adoption of the draft law will help to:

- solving the problem with the production and circulation of wine with geographical indications similar to the current rules in the EU countries and will simplify the entry of wine products into international markets

- improving the quality of wine products, protecting domestic producers, eliminating factors that distort competition and traceability of wine and grape products from vine to bottle, and digitalizing this area.

The adoption of the law will ensure

- Fulfillment of Ukraine's international obligations, in particular, Articles 201-211 of Subsection 3 of Part 2 of Chapter 9 of Title IV of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union on geographical indications, on the other

- implementation of international oenological (winemaking) practices;

- introduction of requirements for the production and circulation of wines, viticulture and winemaking products, flavored wine products with geographical indications similar to the current rules in the EU;

- determining the mechanism for the protection of geographical indications in Ukraine;

- creation of a unified state information system "Viticultural and Winemaking Register", which will include information on grape growers, wine producers, and vineyards;

- introduction of mandatory declarations (minimum number, only 3) and other data on wine products provided for by this draft law, the entry of which will be mandatory, which will facilitate the traceability of grape and wine products from vine to bottle;

- establishing the principle of conducting inspections of the production of wine products from the vine to the final product, determining the controlling authorities and their powers and sanctions for violation of the requirements of this law;

- establishing liability for violation of the provisions of this Law, which will be applied only for repeated violations.


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