Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Export licensing: changes to the list of goods

Amendments were made to Annex 4 "List of Goods (Agricultural Products) Subject to Licensing" to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1402 dated 27.12.2023 "On Approval of the Lists of Goods Subject to Licensing and Quotas for 2024".

The Law stipulates that if the country of destination of goods classified under UKTZED codes 1001 99 00 00, 1005 90 00 00, 1205 10 90 00, 1205 90 00, 1206 00 91 00, 1206 00 99 00 is the Republic of Bulgaria, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Hungary and the Republic of Poland, the export licensing regime applies to all foreign economic operators, including those included in the list of verified agricultural entities.

Taras Melnychuk, representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada

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