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Agrarians appeal to MPs to prevent fuel price increase

The Ukrainian Grain Association, which unites exporters of 90% of Ukrainian grain products, has appealed to members of the Verkhovna Rada regarding plans to increase excise taxes on diesel fuel and gasoline. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the farmers' appeal.

Grain producers noted that despite the fact that the draft law No. 11256-2 is presented as a European integration bill, it does not take into account some of the provisions of the EU Directive, which provides for a reduction in excise duty rates on fuel for certain industries.

"As a result of the fuel excise tax increase, we should expect an increase in the agricultural sector's expenses for refueling combines and tractors during harvesting, a rise in the cost of road transportation, an increase in the cost of transportation by Ukrzaliznytsia, and the risk of additional growth in rail freight tariffs. In addition, for small and medium-sized businesses, there is an increase in the already high costs of generating electricity during outages, a high risk of not recouping operations and downtime," the statement said.

The agrarians predict an increase in inflation and a rise in the price of all goods, provided that 67% of Ukrainians are below the poverty line.

Author: Yulia Boyko

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