Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada signed the Law on BES

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk signed the Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine" to improve the work of the Bureau.

This law introduces a de facto reboot of the Bureau's work.

All employees who refuse to undergo certification or fail to pass such certification are subject to dismissal. The appraisal will be conducted in stages: first, the management of the central office and territorial departments, and later - all other employees of the BES.

Each appraisal committee shall include, on a parity basis, both persons appointed by the BES Director and persons appointed by international and foreign organizations. The attestation must be completed no later than 18 months from the date of appointment to the position of the BES Director under the new competitive procedure.

The Law clarifies the requirements for a candidate for the position of the BES Director, and the competition commission for the election of the Director will include persons appointed by the Government and persons from international and foreign organizations who will have a casting vote.

The Law provides for guarantees of independence of the BES Director. At the same time, one of the grounds for his dismissal is the conclusion of the Commission for External Independent Evaluation (Audit) of the BES's performance, on the inefficiency of the BES's activities and improper performance of duties by the Director.

The adoption of this Law will contribute to the development of normal interaction between business and the government represented by the relevant state body and was actively supported by Ukraine's international partners.


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