Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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The Council is working to improve the legislation on LLCs

"The first investors in Apple and Facebook received their shares in accordance with the agreed value of the company (i.e., the value of its assets and business capitalization), not the size of its authorized capital or the nominal value of its shares," says Yaroslav Rushchyshyn, the Committee's secretary.

In Ukraine, the value of assets, for example, the value of intellectual property rights of a newly created LLC, may differ significantly from the formal size of the authorized capital.

Is it fair that the size of the share an investor receives depends on the formal size of the authorized capital and does this encourage both external and internal investors to invest in the development of enterprises?

We tried to find out and find out the position of the state and business by holding committee hearings on "Attracting investments (in the form of additional contributions) in the capital of companies." The goal is to improve the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Limited Liability Companies and Additional Liability Companies", namely to allow attracting investments (in the form of additional contributions) to the capital without observing the proportionality of the amount of additional contributions to the capital to the percentage of the share in the capital.

The event was attended by members of the Ukrainian Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, representatives of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, experts and business associations, academics, analysts and other stakeholders.

We are currently working together to develop proposals for the Recommendations of the Committee's hearings on improving legislation, regulations and organizational measures for Ukraine's economic recovery."


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