Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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BES uncovers tax evasion scheme in taxi network

Detectives of the Main Detective Unit of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine jointly with law enforcement colleagues exposed a large-scale tax evasion scheme.

The investigation established that the organizer of the scheme, using notarized powers of attorney, registered fictitious individual entrepreneurs as partners of a world-famous taxi service.

The funds paid by passengers for transportation services were transferred to the electronic wallets of a non-resident company and subsequently sent to Ukraine to their partners to pay for the work of drivers.

Later, the suspect, using the details and bank accounts of fictitious individual entrepreneurs, received funds from the taxi service allegedly for "information and intermediary services". After that, he cashed them out through bank cash desks.

At the same time, the funds were not declared, no personal income tax was paid on them, and no accounting reports were submitted.

In this way, the offender cashed out UAH 18.7 million, concealed the profits and avoided paying more than UAH 3.3 million in taxes.

Law enforcement officers conducted authorized searches in Kyiv and Kyiv region and seized documents confirming the illegal activity, draft records, etc.

The individual was served a notice of suspicion of tax evasion. The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings under Part 2 Art. 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional tax evasion committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, or if they led to actual non-receipt of funds to budgets or state trust funds in large amounts) is ongoing. Detectives are conducting the necessary investigative actions to establish the full range of persons involved in the crime.

Operational support is provided by the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine. Procedural supervision is provided by prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine

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