Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Ukrainian women will be able to get free online training in creative and IT industries

1000 Ukrainian women who have become internally displaced due to the war or have been forced to go abroad have the opportunity to undergo such training with the support of the European Union. This is stated on the website of the organizers of the Projector Foundation.

The competition is open to unemployed displaced women and internally displaced women over the age of 18.

To register, a document certifying the status of a displaced person in accordance with the country in which you are staying or confirming the status of an internally displaced person (IDP certificate) is sufficient.

You can apply for the training that starts in July in the following areas:

- Game Design Beginning.

- Copywriting Beginning.

- Facebook & Instagram Targeting.

- SEO Beginning.

- Internet Marketing.

- Sales Beginning.

- IT Project Management.

- Web Design Beginning.

- Mobile Apps Design.

- Lead Generation.

- SMM for business.

- QA Beginning.

- Graphic Design Beginning.

The application deadline is July 7, 2024.

The courses will allow students not only to acquire a theoretical knowledge base, but also to consolidate the acquired skills in practice.

During the course, students will work on cases of real customers. Upon completion of the course, they will receive a certificate and a finished project for their portfolio.

Details on the terms of participation and registration can be found here.

Ministry of Reintegration

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