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Licenses and permits in electronic form: The government has launched the ePermit system

Entrepreneurs will be able to obtain licenses and permits in electronic form. The Government decided to launch a pilot project to introduce the Unified State Electronic System of Permits (ePermit) at a meeting on July 5, 2024.

"We expect that ePermit will simplify the work of entrepreneurs, reduce corruption risks and ultimately have a positive impact on economic development. At the first stage of the project, five services will be available to businesses. The list will be gradually expanded. This IT tool will allow entrepreneurs to submit documents online, renew or revoke licenses, track progress in processing documents, pay for administrative services, and file complaints. The first service will be available at the end of July. The government is working to create a business landscape where entrepreneurs will spend a minimum of resources and time on obtaining permits," said Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

The pilot project envisages the digitalization of the full cycle of permit issuance procedures. Entrepreneurs who join the project will be able to, in particular

  • submit applications and relevant documents in electronic form for obtaining, renewing, suspending or revoking licenses, expanding or narrowing business activities, etc.
  • inform about changes in documents and information that were attached to the application
  • create and submit declarations of compliance of the material and technical base with the requirements of the legislation on labor protection;
  • receive information on the status or results of consideration of electronic documents;
  • pay for the provision of administrative services;
  • complain about actions (inaction) of the licensing authority regarding violation of the licensing legislation.

Applications and documents submitted to ePermit will be automatically checked by the electronic system using a special algorithm. Based on the results of the verification, the system will determine the risk level and select the type of electronic document registration procedure. If the risk is determined to be low, the registration will be performed automatically. Otherwise, representatives of the relevant state authorities will be involved in the verification of the submitted information. They have to make a decision on issuing a license within 10 days.

Importantly, ePermit will interact with electronic information and communication systems of government agencies, and services will be ordered through the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services. Thus, businesses will not be required to provide documents contained in these systems.

At the first stage of the pilot project, the following services will be provided

  • license for conducting business activities in the field of tour operator activities;
  • license to conduct business activities in veterinary practice;
  • license to carry out economic activities for the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors;
  • license to conduct educational activities at the level of preschool education;
  • a declaration of compliance of the material and technical base with the requirements of labor protection legislation.

At the end of July, it will be possible to submit a declaration on labor protection via ePermit. In September, the service for obtaining a veterinary license will be launched. Other services are scheduled to be launched in October 2024.

"The team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation is actively working on the implementation of digital services for business. We have recently launched the comprehensive e-Entrepreneur service, which allows you to start your own business or expand an existing business. Obtaining a license online is the next logical step that greatly simplifies the interaction of entrepreneurs with the state. The service can be used in a few clicks on the Diia portal. The system will automatically check the documents, making the service more convenient and transparent," said Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology, Minister of Digital Transformation.

The development and launch of the ePermit system is carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and is funded by Component 2 of the EU4DigitalUA international technical assistance project, implemented by FIIAPP and funded by the EU. Advisory support for the development of regulations for the system is provided by the EU4Business project: SME Policies and Institutions Support (SMEPIS) project, implemented by Ecorys in consortium with GIZ, BRDO and Civitta and funded by the European Union. The creation of the Unified State Electronic System of Permits is being implemented, in particular, in accordance with the Action Plan for the Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 and is component I of the Ukraine Facility Plan.


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