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Ukraine plans to ban popular goods: what is involved

Recently, the European Union introduced a new rule aimed at reducing the environmental impact of certain plastic products. Ukraine also plans to limit the circulation of single-use plastic products. RBC-Ukraine explains what exactly may change in Ukraine and when.

A European initiative

According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, in order to comply with one of the requirements of Directive 2019/904 - to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment - the European Union countries had to take all measures to ensure that from July 3, 2024, plastic bottles were presented on European markets exclusively with caps attached.

"This decision should ensure that the cap is recycled along with the bottle and not thrown away separately in the trash, or even worse, into the soil or water," the Ministry of Environment explained.

What is the problem?

Expert estimates show that only 10-15% of single-use plastic is recycled globally each year.

"At the same time, 130 million tons of single-use plastic were thrown away in 2019. In Australia, there were 59 kilograms of such waste per person, 53 kg in the United States, 37 kg in Japan, 34 kg in Canada, and 23 kg in Italy," the ministry said.

Based on this, in 2019, the EU began to systematically address this problem and approved Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

What is planned to be changed in Ukraine

It is noted that, following the European path, Ukraine also plans to implement the best practices for a clean environment.

"We are currently drafting a bill that will allow us to implement Directive 2019/904 and gradually limit the circulation of single-use plastic products in Ukraine," the Ministry of Environment emphasized.

This document will ban the production, importation, introduction into circulation and distribution of

  • hygienic cotton swabs with a plastic base
  • containers made of expanded polystyrene
  • plastic containers in the form of blister packs or trays (for ready-to-eat or takeaway food)
  • stirrers and straws for drinks
  • sticks that are attached to balloons
  • skewers
  • disposable forks, knives, spoons, plates, etc.

"We are not talking about a ban on the circulation of disposable plastic products in Ukraine tomorrow or in the next year. First, it is necessary to develop the relevant national legislation and determine the transition periods for the implementation of certain requirements, the stages of gradual withdrawal of such products from the market and the transition to alternatives," the ministry said.

Author: Iryna Kostenko

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