Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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By August 1, you must notify the State Tax Service of open e-wallets

In connection with the entry into force on 16.03.2024 of the Law of Ukraine dated February 23, 2024 No. 3603-IX "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Laws of Ukraine on Improving Online Communication with Taxpayers and Clarifying Certain Provisions of the Law", which amended subparagraph 69.32 of subsection 10 of section XX "Transitional Provisions" of the TCU, a deadline (01.08.2024) for submission of notifications by non-bank payment service providers/electronic money issuers on opening accounts/electronic wallets not closed as of the date of entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Payment Services" (01.04.2023).

Therefore, non-bank payment service providers/electronic money issuers that opened accounts/electronic wallets to taxpayers specified in clause 69.1 of Article 69 of the Tax Code before April 1, 2023, must notify the regulatory authorities of the accounts opened before April 1, 2023, and not closed on that date by August 1, 2024. and not closed as of that date, in the manner and form established by the Procedure for Submitting Notifications on Opening/Closing Taxpayer Accounts/Electronic Wallets with Banks, Other Financial Institutions, Non-Bank Payment Service Providers/Electronic Money Issuers to the Controlling Authorities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 721 dated 18.08.2015.

At their own request, non-bank payment service providers/electronic money issuers may notify the regulatory authorities of the opening of the said accounts/electronic wallets before the deadline (01.08.2024) at any convenient time.

After August 1, 2024, the execution of expenditure transactions on an account/e-wallet opened before April 1, 2023, is allowed subject to receipt of a notification from the supervisory authority on the registration of the account/e-wallet. In case of failure to submit the said notification by 01.08.2024, it will be considered that the non-bank payment service provider/electronic money issuer has started performing expense transactions on the account/electronic wallet before receiving the notification of the supervisory authority on the registration of the account/electronic wallet with the supervisory authorities.

Main Department of the State Tax Service in Dnipropetrovska oblast

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