Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Another year of roaming without additional fees, EU and Ukrainian operators sign joint statement

Due to the ongoing hostilities on the territory of our country, many Ukrainians have gone abroad. However, they continue to keep in touch with their loved ones. In order to make this communication more comfortable and affordable, in April 2022, Ukrainian and European operators signed a joint statement in which they committed themselves to mutually reduce their tariffs for connecting calls across the border.

This agreement was extended for another year by 22 European and 7 Ukrainian operators. From the Ukrainian side, there were such operators as: 3Mob, Data Group, Kyivstar, Lifecell, Ukrtelecom, Vega, and Vodafone Ukraine.

As areminder, on June 17, the President signed the Law on the Common Roaming Area with the EU. It ensures Ukraine's accession to the EU-Ukraine common roaming area and the provision of roaming services in the EU countries to Ukrainians in the "Roaming like at home" mode. The Law also ensures that the conditions for Ukraine to obtain internal market treatment with the EU in the field of electronic communications are met.

Next, the European Commission will evaluate the Law, which will be the basis for negotiations on joining the EuroRoaming. After that, Ukraine will be able to join the EU's Roam like at home policy, which will apply to all EU operators. Ukrainians will be able to avoid paying additional fees for mobile communications and the Internet in the 27 EU countries even after the end of martial law.

We thank the European Commission, BEREC, the National Commission for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and operators for their hard work to ensure that Ukrainians in Europe always stay connected.

Let's move towards the EU Digital Single Market together!


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