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Control over the circulation of dietary supplements will be strengthened in Ukraine

The Committee considered draft law No. 11389 on improving the regulation of production and circulation of food supplements. The draft law brings Ukrainian legislation in line with the requirements of the relevant EU Directive and eliminates the possibility of manipulation when medicines are sold under the guise of a dietary supplement," said Mykhailo Radutskyi, Chairman of the Committee.

"Over the past few years, we have been working together with the Ministry of Health on a law that would regulate the circulation of dietary supplements. The purpose of dietary supplements is auxiliary. Therefore, their regulation should be different from the circulation of medicines. Currently, we record dozens of cases on the market when a medicine is registered and sold as a dietary supplement. This misleads consumers and poses health risks.

To eliminate legislative gaps, the Ministry has developed draft law No. 11389. The document defines clear mechanisms for the introduction of food supplements, as well as components that can be used for their production: minerals, vitamins, substances with nutritional or physiological effects. The list and maximum permissible doses will be approved by the Ministry of Health. The draft law strengthens responsibility for the production and sale of dietary supplements that do not meet the requirements of the law.

The Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance recommended that the Verkhovna Rada support Draft Law No. 11389 in the first reading," said Radutsky.


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