Tax and accounting insights for Ukraine
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Hetmantsev spoke about expectations from the excise tax increase

The Ukrainian parliament has adopted the European integration bill No. 11256-2, which sets new excise tax rates on fuel. The additional funds received from the excise tax will go to our army. This year alone, the budget is expected to receive UAH 2.7 billion per month.

This was stated by Danylo Hetmantsev, MP, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy.

"We have envisaged a schedule of excise tax increases until 2028 in order to bring these excise taxes on fuel in line with those in the EU. This is one of our European integration commitments. At the same time, our country needs money to finance the army. That is why the government is mobilizing all the reserves we currently have and directing these funds to the Armed Forces. Thisdraft law will bring an average of UAH 2.7 billion in additional funds to the budget every month this year alone," the MP said.

According to him, it is expected that the increase in excise duty on gasoline and diesel will be within the range of UAH 1.5-2.

"This is the contribution that all of us will make to finance our defenders. Given the choice between two extra hryvnias per liter and military salaries, I always make a decision in favor of military salaries. And every Ukrainian who sincerely believes in our country will make the same decision," the politician said.

He reminded that pricing is a consequence of the oil price and the supply-demand ratio, not the excise tax, which plays a negligible role in the price of fuel.

"When we returned excise taxes to pre-war peaceful rates, we saw that this did not affect the price of fuel in any way, and for some reason everyone has forgotten about this now. Therefore, the new rates of excise tax on fuel are a necessary decision for the state today, which we responsibly take before the next generations," the MP concluded.


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